Kai Barron

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, WZB-Berlin


Email: kaibarron[at]gmail.com

Curriculum vitae: [pdf]

I am currently a Research Fellow at WZB-Berlin, part of the Berlin School of Economics, having received my PhD from University College London and previously studied at the University of Cape Town (undergraduate). 

My primary research fields are experimental and behavioural economics, with a particular focus on belief formation, narratives, and moral behaviour. I also have a secondary research agenda, examining questions that are particularly relevant for the Global South.  

Working Papers

"Narrative persuasion" (with Tilman Fries)  [new version, May 2024]

"Narrative persuasion: A brief introduction" (with Tilman Fries)  prepared for the Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Sciences [2024]

"Motivated political reasoning: The formation of belief-value constellations" (with Anna Becker and Steffen Huck) revised and resubmitted, European Economic Review [2021] (new version coming soon)

"Moral motive selection in the lying-dictator game" (with Robert Stüber and Roel van Veldhuizen) [2022]

"Lying to appear honest"  [2019]

"When do reminders work? Memory constraints and medical adherence" (with Mette Trier Damgaard and Christina Gravert) [2022]


"Everyday econometricians: Selection neglect and overoptimism when learning from others" (with Steffen Huck and Philippe Jehiel) AEJ: Micro (forthcoming), 2024.

"Explicit and implicit belief-based gender discrimination" (with Ruth Ditlmann, Stefan Gehrig, and Sebastian Schweighofer-Kodritsch) Management Science, 2024. [Pre-print]

"Alcohol, violence and injury-induced mortality: Evidence from a modern-day prohibition" (with Charles Parry, Debbie Bradshaw, Rob Dorrington, Pam Groenewald, Ria Laubscher, and Richard Matzopoulos) Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming), 2024.

"Discrimination, narratives and family history: An experiment with Jordanian host and Syrian refugee children" (with Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck, Sebastian Schneider, and Matthias Sutter) Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(4), 1008-1016.

"Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs" (large-scale collaboration lead by C. Huber, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler and U. Weitzel) PNAS, 2023, 120(3), 1-10.

"Confidence and career choices: An experiment" (with Christina Gravert) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2022, 124(1), 35-68

"Belief updating: Does the `good-news, bad-news´ asymmetry extend to purely financial domains?" Experimental Economics, 2021, 24, 31-58

"Nudging cooperation in public goods provision" (with Tuomas Nurminen) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2020, 88, 101542  [Pre-print]

"Behavioral response to a sudden health risk: Dengue and educational outcomes in Colombia" Journal of Development Studies, 2019, 55(4), 620-644 (with Luis F. Gamboa and Paul Rodriguez-Lesmes)

"Challenges to promoting social inclusion of the extreme poor: Evidence from a large-scale experiment in Colombia" Economia, 2016, 16(2), 89-141 (with Laura Abramovsky, Orazio Attanasio, Pedro Carneiro, and George Stoye)